Huwala Humba! Juki disini!
Bantuin gue yok ngelola warteg yang tiba-tiba dikasih sama mpok, biar gue jadi kapitalis sejati sob (dan bayar semesteran kuliah gue tentunya)! Selain ngebantuin gue, tentunya lo juga bakal jadi pahlawan buat para mahasiswa akhir bulan sob! Biar kagak makan mie instan dan sarden mulu! Ngoehehehehe!
- Puasin selera makan pelanggan yang tentunya dengan harga terjangkau sob!
- Beli bahan dari berbagai sudut pasar, jangan lupa ditawar sob biar cepet kaya!
- Masak bareng berbagai karakter seri ‘Si Juki’ kayak Juleha, Mang Awug, dan lain-lain!
- Racik resep lo sendiri dengan berbagai bahan yang tersedia!
- Tingkatin level warteg lo dan temukan resep baru!
- Eksplorasi berbagai resep dari seluruh Indonesia!
Untuk mengetahui perkembangan terbaru dari Si Juki: Warteg Mania
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Huwala Humba! Juki here!
Help me manage the warteg, which is suddenly given to the mokok, so that I become a true capitalist, bro (and pay for my semester tuition, of course)! Besides helping me, of course you will also be a hero for the students by the end of the month, bro! Let me eat instant noodles and sardines! Ngoehehehehe!
- Satisfied customers' appetite, which of course is affordable, friend!
- Buy materials from various corners of the market, do not forget to bid, so get rich quick!
- Cook together with various characters from the 'Si Juki' series like Juleha, Mang Awug, and others!
- Racik your own recipes with various ingredients available!
- Upgrade your warteg level and find new recipes!
- Exploration of various recipes from all over Indonesia!
To find out the latest developments from Si Juki: Warteg Mania
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